Burnout | Sasha #10
5m 21s
App - search Tabata Timer in the App Store):
-Click the settings icon (lower right hand corner)
-Set "Initial Countdown" to 7 seconds
-Set “Warm up Interval” to 0 seconds
-Set "Exercise Interval" to 3 minutes
-Set "Rest Interval" to 0 seconds
-Set "Number of Sets" to 4
-Set “Recovery Interval” to 0 seconds
-Set "Number of Cycles" to 3
-Set “Cooldown Interval” to 0
-everything else can be set to zero
3 rounds: 10 walkouts, 10 shoulder tap, 20 jumping jacks
(3 Circuits, 4 Rounds each: Every 3 Minutes on the 3 Minute)
Circuit 1 (3 MIN)
20 Lateral Lunge Twists (R)
20 Lateral Lunge Twists (L)
35 Wide Squat Hop
THEN...cycle through circuit 3 more times, 3 min each cycle
Circuit 2 (3 MIN)
20 Wall-sit Hammer Curls
20 Thrusters
15 Burpees
THEN....cycle through circuit 3 more times, 3 min each cycle
Circuit 3 (3 MIN)
30 Cross Leg Sit-ups
40 Plank Lunge Hops
40 Tuck Jumps
THEN...cycle through circuit 3 more times, 3 min each cycle
100 Bicep Curls
Stretch legs (figure four, wide-legged forward fold, quad stretch) and arms (right and left arm across your body, tricep stretch)